William Rossoto, Artist, Author, Residential Designer, Photgrapher,

Friday, March 26, 2010


An interesting day at the painting studio, a bit restless, working on some sketches for the upcoming equestrian series, and wrestling with the dynamics of foreshortening. I do love the challenge of learning the anatomy of the horse, as I have never tried to draw them with any degree of accuracy. I think the more knowledge I gain about any visual subject matter gives me a foundation to work from that whether I'm doing realism or abstraction, it gives the drawing and painting a depth it couldn't have otherwise.

So, I'll continue with drawings today, working my way through the unknown, and whatever the results, whether pleasing to me or not so pleasing, I know I have expanded my abilities, and will have learned something new, doing better the next time.

Saying for the day;
I am willing to explore uncharted territory, and find joy in going beyond my comfort level.

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