William Rossoto, Artist, Author, Residential Designer, Photgrapher,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Creating Time

Between everyday responsibilities; the have to, must do, and need to get done, there is the "creative time" that eludes many people. In order to find the time to make art I must intentionally create time to pursue my artistic passions. In doing so, sometimes I have to rearrange all those have to get done items of everyday responsibilities.

A lot of people ask me how I find the time to do everything I do and they think I have a life unfettered by the realities of responsibilities. I run an architectural business, make short films, paint, and am also writing a book. I'm not a super human, nor do I have any more time than anyone else, I mean the day is only twenty four hours long, give or take a few minutes of planetary fluctuation.

One of the largest consumers of time is the ole television, and the social site media perusing on the internet, of which I'm also guilty of. I don't watch television per say, I'll watch a movie on Hulu on the internet, and yes I do my fair share of social media as well.

I always ask myself, "is this how I want to be spending my time?" Asking this question helps to keep me conscious about how I spend my time, and if I would really rather be doing something else, whether relaxing in a different way or being productive with something. I know I can sit and watch a movie for two hours and feel like ten minutes has passed by. If I use those two hours to write, do art, or give some love to my fiancee, then more than often I feel a sense of fulfillment and that I am in the flow of life.

So, my secret to living is very simple. Turn off the T.V. and the social media, and listen to what your spirit, body, and mind want to do. We all like to feel a sense of accomplishment. We know when we are in the flow of life, and resonating with the energy of life. Life is river, you can hold on to the rocks on the shore and fear the river, or you can swim with the current and enjoy the ride.

Saying for the day: Be true yourself, know yourself, know your passion.

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